What's next?

The old is gone. The new has come!

Take your next step in your relationship with God and with others!

Discover Living Water - April 9th

Discover Living Water will acquaint you with our history and our vision. We discuss where we've been and where we're going. It's also a great time to connect with other people who are interested in discovering our church and growing in faith!
A light meal will be served and baby care is provided.

Water Baptism March 30th

Water Baptism is a sign of receiving the new life that Jesus died to give each of us! We believe that after repentance and confession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, a believer should be baptized by water to symbolize their new life in Christ.


Jesus called us to make disciples. That happens by growing together in God's Word and through fellowship! If you want to know Jesus more, or if you want to share what Jesus has done in your life with someone else, ask us about Discipleship opportunities!

Join the Team!

Do you want to be part of a community of people who love to use their talent to change our community with the love of Jesus? Ask us for more info! 

Give Online

We are blessed to be in a community of generous people who
believe in sharing the greatest message of Hope in Jesus Christ!

I Choose Jesus!

Have you discovered Hope in Jesus today?
We hope you have! Let us know that you have
experienced God's love and opened your heart to Christ!