SWITCH & Operation Christmas Child
The youth group participated in Operation Christmas Child by putting together and donating 100 Christmas Gifts! Awesome!

Together. Not Alone.
Switch is our weekly Student Ministry for students 6-12th grade.
We meet at the Church on Wednesday's at 7:00PM
Switch is loaded with worship, friends and a message geared towards students and their everyday life.
Our goal is to create an experience where students can meet Christ and grow in their relationship with Him.

What to Expect
Weekly Meetup
Switch meets weekly to connect, enjoy genuine community, and hear a message geared towards students and their everyday life.
Special Events
Bowling. Paintball. Ice Cream. The Mall. We switch it up, but one thing is for sure — students have a great time together as we discover who Jesus is together.
We Value Community
Get Connected. Go Deeper!
Hey! Welcome to Switch.
We talk about God. We talk about the Bible. We talk about things that matter to you.
God made us to do life together. So, let's discover Jesus... together.
We talk about God. We talk about the Bible. We talk about things that matter to you.
God made us to do life together. So, let's discover Jesus... together.