November 3rd, 2020
by George Dupree
by George Dupree

“Be quiet!” the crowd yelled at them. But they only shouted louder, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!” When Jesus heard them, he stopped and called, “What do you want me to do for you?” --- Matthew 20:31–32, NLT
In this story there's two blind men and Jesus passes by so they cry out for Jesus to show them mercy. So Jesus asks them what they want Him to do and they say they want their eyes to be opened and Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes and they received their sight.
It's truly an incredible story. I think that what's quite incredible is how big they asked. In the book of James there's a great thought, it says you don't have because you don't ask. These two men asked BIG and they received BIG.
Today is Election Day and there's BIG things to be voted on all across America. So what do we do? We ask BIG. I'm asking you to ask, with me, that God will show mercy on out country. No mater where you stand on any issue or candidate I know we can all agree that we, as a nation, need God to intervene. I'm not asking you to ask God for your candidate or issue to win, I'm asking you to pray along the lines of the Lord's Prayer where it says in Matthew 6 - Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.
Our Prayer - God, we're calling out to you today to show mercy to America, we know we need it and we know that we don't deserve it but we call out for it anyway. Please God heal our land and allow us to stand strong for the purposes of your Kingdom, Amen.
In this story there's two blind men and Jesus passes by so they cry out for Jesus to show them mercy. So Jesus asks them what they want Him to do and they say they want their eyes to be opened and Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes and they received their sight.
It's truly an incredible story. I think that what's quite incredible is how big they asked. In the book of James there's a great thought, it says you don't have because you don't ask. These two men asked BIG and they received BIG.
Today is Election Day and there's BIG things to be voted on all across America. So what do we do? We ask BIG. I'm asking you to ask, with me, that God will show mercy on out country. No mater where you stand on any issue or candidate I know we can all agree that we, as a nation, need God to intervene. I'm not asking you to ask God for your candidate or issue to win, I'm asking you to pray along the lines of the Lord's Prayer where it says in Matthew 6 - Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.
Our Prayer - God, we're calling out to you today to show mercy to America, we know we need it and we know that we don't deserve it but we call out for it anyway. Please God heal our land and allow us to stand strong for the purposes of your Kingdom, Amen.

Posted in Inspiration
George Dupree
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